was founded in 1999 to advance the isokinetic technology available to industry. The availability of testing equipment was extremely limited, and, in many cases, unreliable due to mechanical breakdowns in the dynamometer's old "smudge Pot" technology. After surrounding itself with the very best in scientific and engineering minds, CRT designed and constructed its own, next-generation, electronic, state-of-the-art dynamometer to measure muscle performance.

Engineers participating in the design of the US Space Shuttle lift-off pad worked on the creation of CRT's ET 2000 dynamometer. CRT's isokinetic technology is the undisputed leader in measuring human muscle performance with less than 1/10th of 1% error potential.

The two principals of Cost Reduction Technologies have over 75 years of combined clinical practice, the majority of which has involved the application of isokinetics. They were among the first physical therapists in the 1970's to purchase extremity isokinetic equipment and integrate its objective evaluation into their practices. Both Arp and Crosby have offered pre-employment and post-injury isokinetics to industrial clients since the mid-1980's.

CRT is dedicated to continuing to enhance the technology of isokinetics and contribute to the world's increasing body of research specific to the occupational setting.

Listed below are the managing partners of Cost Reduction Technologies
with over 75 years of combined industry experience.

Loren Arp
Loren Arp
Co-Founder, CRT
Personal Profile
Doug Crosby
Doug Crosby
Co-Founder, CRT
Personal Profile

Cost Reduction Technologies Management Team

Brett Crosby
Personal Profile
Richard A. Roski
Personal Profile
Rob Teitsma
Vice President
Business Development
Personal Profile
Jim Wildman
Vice President
Business Development
Personal Profile